Wednesday, 3 August 2011

TWEET! - A Small Bird who wants to Be Heard...

When Little Tweep popped out of his egg the first thing he said was


Which made his Mummy and Daddy smile proudly.

When Little Tweep met his brothers and sisters he said


Which made them all give him a big squeezy hug. ‘What a lovely Tweet you have’ they said, and they carried on tweeting to each other all day long.

Life slipped by so quickly, and soon it was time to move to the Big Tree.

The Big Tree was full of Tweeps chattering away. Little Tweep flew straight into the middle of them all and said


But nobody listened. ‘That’s odd!’ thought Little Tweep. ‘My Daddy likes my Tweet, My Mummy likes my tweet – and all my brothers and sisters like my tweet! But everyone here is too busy tweeting themselves!

Little Tweep wanted to Be Heard, so he took a deep breath in and.... he tweeted and tweeted and tweeted and tweeted and tweeted and tweeted and tweeted and tweeted and tweeted and tweeted and tweeted and tweeted and tweeted and tweeted and tweeted!

It worked!… as long as Little Tweep never stopped some of the other tweeps heard him! It felt wonderful! At last he was a Little Bird who was actually Being Heard!

He tweeted as the sun rose through the misty morning, he tweeted as the sun shone bright and bold at noon… and he tweeted as the sun sleepily sank beneath the horizon and ushered in the Moon.

But it was exhausting! After a few days Little Tweep was terrifically tired!

‘Tweet!...Twee!...Twe!...Tw!...T….’ he wheezed. And when he finally stopped all together the strangest thing happened.

Everybody turned away.

Little Tweep didn’t like Not Being Heard, so he took a big deep breath in and… he tweeted and tweeted and tweeted and tweeted and tweeted and tweeted and tweeted and tweeted and tweeted and tweeted and tweeted and tweeted and tweeted and tweeted and tweeted again!

Again it worked! Again he was a little bird who was actually Being Heard!

Before long he was even more exhausted than before, and couldn’t even raise the tiniest ‘T!’…

When Little Tweep wasn't tweeting - everyone went away again!

He tried being funny… ‘Twit!’

He tried being clever… ‘Tweet=MC2!’

He tried being LOUD! TWEEEEET!

But every time he stopped it felt like he didn’t even exist….

It was strange being all alone.
In his own little tree.
In the total quiet.

Little Tweep gazed over at the other trees, trees full of tweeps tweeting to each other, day in day out. Big trees where thousands of Tweeps listened to one big tweeter, smaller trees where everyone tweeted together. After a while Little Tweep shuffled around on his branch and sadly flew away.

He flew through a field of flowers, getting giddy on their perfumes.

He flew to the top of a mountain and listened to the wind whispering stories.

He flew into a waterfall and let the cold water make his feathers feel fizzy.

He flew to the edge of the sea and listened to the music of the waves.

He flew across the moon and between the stars, until he was covered in twinkles.

Little Tweep realised he wanted to tell everybody about his adventures, so he turned around and flew back home – back to his tree – back to the clatter and clamour of the tweeps.

Little Tweep tweeted the tales of his travels to his Mummy, Daddy, sisters and brothers - and as he told them of the whispering winds and musical waves more and more tweeps began to listen too.

‘Little Tweep!’ cried his Mummy ‘You really do have the most beautiful tweet we have Ever Heard!’

Now Little Tweep loves tweeting his stories to all the other tweeps. But if feels he has said everything he has to say, if he stops tweeting and they all turn away, Little Tweep doesn't mind. He likes to fly away to where nobody tweets at all….


..No... no shotgun.... ;-)

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